10 Hour KATONAH YOGA® Training
November 2 -3, 2019
12- 5 pm
Lacuna juice and yoga, 2590 lawrence street, denver
Join Lacuna instructor and senior Katonah Yoga® teacher, Ari Halbert, for a ten hour deep dive into the theory and practice of Katonah Yoga®. Steeped in taoist philosophy, this interactive practice offers skills and techniques for living a more integrated, embodied life. Learn how to organize yourself in time and space, so you can be where you need to be, when you need to be there.
*Katonah Yoga® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being.
Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices.
Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern implies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight.
Revelations are revolutionary.
$300 ($250 before October 15)
This training is a continuing education course for current teachers, and counts as 10 hours toward your Katonah Yoga® certification, however, it is not required that you be a teacher to participate.
Ari Halbert
A licensed acupuncturist, holistic nutrition coach, Qi Gong instructor, and registered yoga teacher with over a decade of experience, Ari brings a diverse, multi-disciplinary approach to his work. His background in engineering, in-depth studies of biomechanics, and hands-on training in human anatomy enable him to help clients recover quickly from injury and achieve greater overall stability and quality of movement. Ari is an expert at helping people understand complex movement principles an apply them within their own practices.
In addition to his academic endeavors, Ari has spent many years gaining direct knowledge under the guidance and tutelage of Sung Baek, a 74th-generation Korean acupuncture master, and Nevine Michaan, founder of Katonah Yoga, whose mentorships have offered invaluable insight into the more esoteric aspects of Chinese Medicine, Taoist Philosophy and the yogic healing arts.
With a keen eye for detail, Ari’s teaching style is succinct, highly personalized, and imbues a deep care for integrity of movement. To “work smarter, not harder” is Ari’s personal motto, and one can see this ethic carry over into his teaching via his deep commitment to helping students move with more efficiency, fluidity, and ease.
Ari has an acupuncture practice in Boulder, Colorado and holds workshop internationally, teaching Yoga, Qi Gong, and calisthenics.
MAGIC SQUARE CHART Nevine Michaan © 2015 Katonah Yoga Center, Inc.
Illustration by Susan Fierro
Katonah Yoga® is a registered trademark, used with permission of its owner, Katonah Yoga Center