10 Hour KATONAH YOGA® Training

with Josie Schweitzer

MAGIC SQUARE CHART Nevine Michaan © 2015 Katonah Yoga Center, Inc. Illustration by Susan Fierro Katonah Yoga® is a registered trademark, used with permission of its owner, Katonah Yoga Center, Inc.

april 25 - 26, 2020


Lacuna juice and yoga, 2590 lawrence street, denver

Join us in welcoming senior Katonah Yoga® teacher, Josie Schweitzer, of The Space Columbus to Lacuna Juice and Yoga for ten magical hours of Katonah Yoga® theory and practice.

Explore different techniques and approaches into all the Katonah Yoga® practice has to offer, including sacred geometry, and how the body is designed to fit itself, how to approach a sustainable Home practice for the seasons, the use of props as boundaries and scaffolding, advanced postures, theory, metaphor, sequencing, and the therapeutic side to the practice.

Every approach we take will be that to get us back to the center of ourselves, our body, our home, our vehicle, the one we live in and travel by.

*Katonah Yoga® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being.

Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices.

Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern implies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. 

Revelations are revolutionary.


$300 ($250 before April 1)

This training is a continuing education course for current teachers, and counts as 10 hours toward your Katonah Yoga® certification, however, it is not required that you be a teacher to participate.



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Josie Schweitzer

“I teach as a way to give voice to the truth of our experience and existence…” 

Teaching a blend of fluid movement, pranayama, kundalini, and meditation classes, Josie artfully crafts each teaching experience with intention and intelligence, providing a cohesive structure for an eye-opening, transformative journey. Present moment awareness is at the heart, a truth that permeates every movement, stillness and breath. Yoga with Josie transcends the concept of a workout.

She is heavily influenced by her dear Teacher Nevine Michhan, the founder and creator of Katonah Yoga.  Her time spent learning form Nevine and her teachers, continues to be a life changing experience.  

Josie is a well rounded and multifaceted yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance, E-RYT.)  She has created and cultivated her own unique 200 and 300 hour teacher trainings.  You can find her at her studio The Space in Columbus, OH leading communal classes, privates therapeutic private sessions, endless workshops and teacher trainings.